Sort Your Signals from the Noise

In a culture that seems bent on having us live like machines, I write about how we can live like persons.

The question that drives my writing is, “How can we create a well-lived life?”

I’m inspired by the systems intentional communities use to make time for important, time-consuming personal pursuits like contemplation, learning, and making art. I write about how ancient traditions and modern thinking about making decisions and putting things in order, can help us make time for the things that matter most.

Check out the categories below to browse some of my articles.


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Create A Personal Framework

Want a personal GPS for creating your well-lived life?

Write down your roles, your values, and the routines that sustain you, and review it regularly. Get clear on these basics, and the rest will follow.

How a Personal Framework Helps You Get the Right Things Done

Make Your Own Personal Framework

Don’t Lose Your Identity in Others’ Algorithms

Coach Yourself to Live Out Your Values