Anna Havron

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In the Moment

In the past six weeks:

  • I changed jobs

  • I moved out of a house

  • we had to replace a car

  • I had to replace my computer

  • one family member has been hospitalized a couple of times

  • I traveled out of state to visit them

  • I took another family member to the emergency room, the other day


That’s a lot!

I left my parish and am now working as a hospice chaplain. Because this is a career shift, right now I’m doing a lot of learning, asking a lot of questions.

When I asked one nurse how working at hospice had changed her, she said, “I am learning to live in the moment, much more. To appreciate the moments in life.”

If I can learn how to do that better, I will be glad.

The purple martins are getting ready to leave North America and head to South America for the winter.

Here are two moments — about 30 seconds each — from a few weeks ago, at a local bird sanctuary.

They call to one another almost constantly.


…and enjoy your moments.

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